Saturday 30 December 2023

The role of media in society

The role of media in society ‘KNOWLEDGE IS POWER’(composed December 29 for talk given December 30, 2023 to university students from all over Kenya. all were Bahais) Because media conveys knowledge, media is sought and often for personal self interests, which is why media is protected under the first amendment in the US constitution, and under Kenya’s 2010 constitution in relation to culture being recognized as the bedrock of freedom in society. Today, media and journalists under threat everywhere for one reason, journalists as members of the media are truth tellers. It is said they write the first drafts of a ciybtry’s history. So they are being shot e.g. in Palestine, in Russia, and elsewhere for seeing what is really happening. Yet ‘what is really happening’, ‘what is the truth?’ is no longer plainly reported. Now in the US at least, the country is so divided, that the rift is turning into a deeper divide every day, the media doing its part to create antithetical universes. E.g. Fox News vs MSNBC with 2 different populations believing what’s in their media, so that millions may bring back Donald Trump to power and that’d be so damaging to the environment and the media at large. 3 questions posed to me: 1.What’s the role of media in reflecting and shaping vlues, habits, patterns of thought and action 2. Can we explore the forces operating in and around the media? 3. The role of media in preserving and communicating re: the arts and culture? e.g. Margaret Atwood wrote Handmaid’s Taleswhich initially shocked people cuz women treating like baby-makers by dominant men. sShe said she was only recollecting actual experiences which had already taking place. Then the story became a popular media series, followed by governments and dictators starting to treat women like this. E.g Iran under Sharia law, and in the US where pro-life anti-abortionists rallied to smash women’s right to control their own bodies. But that anti-abortion ultra conservative thought has brought a backlash among women who claim their right of choice. They came out politically during last US elections and toppled several right wingers. They could easily do the same in 2024 presidential election. It was all their in Handmaid’s tale. So it a book leading to a TV series, having increasing influence, awareness in society leading to political activism and women becoming a powerful force in society. Other forces include Big Money and Dark Money, Dictators wanting to crush the media, and capitalist ‘big fish’ seeking wider control over an independent media 1. Back to One: what’s the role of media is shaping values, habits, and patterns of thought? Case in point: the ‘BIG LIE’ leading to January 6, insurrection at the US Capital, which Trump now claims was peaceful—and his cult followers now believe. When trump kicked out of Twitter, he started his own Twitter equivalent knowing how important media is in staying connected with his audience whose thought and actions he now controls. Media so important Elan Musk spent $44 million to buy Twitter, let Trump back on in, but he already has his own Twitter equivalent, called Truth Social, in his effort to stay connected 2. Explore forces: Big media platforms: Fox vs MSNBC, Koch brothers & other multimillionairs and billionairs, Dark Money-Jane Mayer at The New Yorker, 3. Role of media and the arts. BD Life, Pulse, increasing interest and coverage but arts journalists complain about so little space given them. Blogs like mine and Vlogs too do well.

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