lizzie jazz


margaretta wagacheru

12:26 AM (2 minutes ago)
to me

This coming weekend promises to be an interesting one as we shall see brand new scripts by both Mavin Kibicho whose ‘Blood and Roses’ for Son of Man theatre Productions and Jazz Moll and Lizzie Jago who co-wrote ‘Albatross Wings for Freedom’ for Youth Theatre Kenya (YTK), a theatre troupe that aim to be the best-and most inspiring theatre troupe for youth in Kenya.

For instance, YTK’s current show ‘Albatross Wings for Freedom’ includes a mix of youth from ages 9 to 25 while Son of Man features adults only.

 Albabatross -- a magical musical that intertwines mythical folk lore with historical fact to dig deeply into African history, and focus specifically on multiple aspects of slavery and freedom. It emphasizes the importance of redemption and forgiveness.

Set in East Africa in the late 1880’s, in Zanzibar, the musical tells the epoch story of the struggle to eradicate the black market slave trade being perpetrated along the coast line of East Africa. Inspired by the true story of Bishop Charles Smythies, the play’s story, say the co-playwrights of the script, follows his journey as he embodies his church’s mission to end slavery everywhere for good, particularly in East Africa where he had come with the Bible in hand to join the local antislavery group and to share the good news with local people.

The Bishop in collaboration with the Royal Navy and that passionate and dedicated group of people managed to capture slave boats and free the slaves who have been on their way east to slave auctions where they would have been sold to the highest bidder. Then they would have taken the reprimanded traders to justice, and celebrated their first step towards ending slavery for good everywhere.  Yet they were still well aware and dedicated to the struggle to stamp out this illegal practice wherever slavery was found.340 words