Sunday 7 July 2024

crony 2 marriage draft

Crony players have a thing about marriage and punchlines that rarely fail to shock or at least surprise because any clues that they might have been laid before their story is almost done are buried deep inside so one cannot suspect the show’s outcome unless you have a super sniffer expertise in digging out clues, much like a hound goes after a dog bone or german shephard who’s been trained to sniff out drugs or bombs that druggies or terrorists believe they can slip into the country.  

BD LIFE was also surprised  crony’s current story was so predicable in that turned out to be about infidelity. Then again, I was also surprised at crony’s success in remaining unpredictable as to who the culprit would be that had the last word before the curtain came down.

We will desist from being the spoiler to reveal who the confessor was. For now, the story is more interesting, at least to the audience who came to Braeburn theatre Gitanga road last weekend (7/7/24). Their spontaneous burst of laugher after almost every line that the characters spoke in humorous (often unscripted) words. They were backed up by their body language which also spoke volumes about the way crony’s current cast works together as a tight intuitive ensem ble.

The story began with a group of married male panelists apparently on TV. They were all                              experts in various fields. But they were not there to talk about their professional expertise. They came to chat about the controversial issue of marriage. Their consensus was that marriage was more like a jail than a joyful place for peace of mind.

Immediately after that, there’s a quick flip over to victor’s () house where his mother in law looks like she’s having the time of her life, feasting and sleeping at his son in law’s expense.  She’s also accompanied by her personal ‘Cook’ (Ben teko’) and she plans to there   until her demise which soon since has her cook buy her fruits and eggs with son in law’s money in order to have a ‘healthy life’.

Naturally, this situation is untenable situation especially as his wife sided with her mother. But the moment cucu steps out of the room, victor tells his wife of his frustrations. Speaking in funny metaphors, he’s really talking about sex and his lack of it since her mom arrived. She understood but still took her mom’s. side.

At some point, victor called his uncle (Humphry maina) for help urgently. The moment he came, he already had a strategy for getting for getting for both the mother in law and her cook who had also too comfortable, eating and sleeping in the way as the cucu did. But it turned out he also had his own self interests to insert into vic’s story. The young girl who he’d brought was also his side chick. But before that played out, cook exploded, counter to his image of his being a humble, submissive man. Now cook’s wrath was sharply aimed at the uncle who also happened to be from a different ethnic  community, suggesting that tribalism played a part in uncle’s efforts to kick him out of victor’s house.  But before the two could get into physical fight, uncle’s wife showed up, annoying uncle who was looking to also have fun with his side chick who turned out to be…(_).  

Now were beging to see that every had secrets that nobody was supposed to nobody was supposed to know. But gradually, we will see who was sleeping with whom.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  

Crony players have a thing about marriage and punchlines that rarely fail to shock or at least surprise because any clues that they might  have laid before there story is also done are buried deep inside so one cannot suspect the show’s outcome unless one has a super sniffer expertise in digging out the clues, much like a hound goes after a dog bone or german shephard who’s been trained to sniff out drugs or bombs that druggies or terrorists believe they can slip into the country.                                                                                                                  

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