Sunday 18 September 2022


 By Margaretta wa Gacheru (written September 18, 2022)

Journal of Orina’s Men of Ambition Part 1 came back to Kenya National Theatre last weekend after winning accolades at the Kenya Theatre Awards and being featured at the Kenya International Theatre Festival as well.

Coming back refreshed and reckoning that several cast members had to change, the show was something of a full-dress-rehearsal for their appearing next week at the Alexandria Theatre Festival in Egypt.

The storyline is still the same. It’s unfortunately one familiar to many Kenyans. It’s all about rivalry for power and a family divided over who will reap the spoils after their wealthy father dies.

The stakes are high since the dad built an empire stretching from the coast to the lake. He also had indicated that among his children, one of which is adopted, he’d picked his first born, Clifford to take charge of the empire once he was gone.


Yet when we meet the family, their emotions are raw and intense. The family matriarch (Mary Kamanthe) serves as a sort of narrator, letting us know that she had just come from burying her spouse when she hears that Clifford has been murdered in the house. There were only four on hand at the time, so all of them are suspects who have motives for eliminating the House of Radin’s future CEO.

To the majority, the most likely killer is Duke (Brian Orina) since he’s unpleasantly arrogant and made it clear more than once that he didn’t believe Clifford was fit to be Boss.

Even his mom believes he did it. So does his half-sister Vanessa (Lorna Lomi) , and the family’s solicitor Esquire (Dennis Kinyanjui).

Aware that he’s already been convicted in their minds, Duke also can’t look for outside support since no one, not even he, wants the shareholders to know about Clifford’s death just yet.

The family agrees to interrogate the issue in the morning. But Duke cannot wait. He wakes the others up at 3am and insists he be the first to interrogate the other three.

As it turns out, he’s correct. They all believe he killed his brother to obtain the family wealth. It’s a believable charge since Duke has made it clear he believes he’s the only family member who’s fit to run the House of Radin successfully.

Duke is especially rude about women, holding a deeply misogynistic point of view. It’s certainly not one that respects women getting anywhere near to power. He insults both his mom and step sister who suggests she had a special relationship with the old man.

In any case, no one has any substantial evidence to support Duke’s guilt. There’s only emotional opinions and hearsay.

It is only Duke who has heaps of allegations against the other three.

For instance, he knows his mom was stealing funds from his dad, the implication being she might have even bumped him off for his wealth. The dad was aware of her dishonesty and was getting ready to oust her from the family, according to Duke. That’s when we learn how cruel her husband was, beating her every night for years, yet she stuck with it for reasons only she knew.

The family solicitor, Esquire, was also sure to be sacked, says Duke, since the boss had found him incompetent and was soon to be taking action against him too.

The step sister, Vanessa had never been Duke’s friend. Yet the boss welcomed her in and taught her a great deal about how to manage the House of Radin. Duke’s disgust of Vanessa is tainted by his chauvinistic distaste for strong, resourceful women who are stepping out of line and ‘pretending’ they have the resources to handle the reins of power.

Ultimately, the vote is taken and Duke is not only voted the probable murderer of Clifford. His mother also disowns him for life, banishing him forever from the House of Radin.

Orina may not have foreseen the public outcry at the end of Men of Ambition after he had left us with a cliffhanger. At the last moment of the play, we are left watching Vanessa quickly claiming the chairman’s seat with the Matriarch and the solicitor standing on either side of her as if they are ready to serve their new CEO, Chair of the House of Radin obediently.

It's a startling end that left us wanting to know how Vanessa would do as the company’s new CEO. And so, Part 2 was conceived, apparently as an afterthought.



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