Thursday 14 April 2022


 By Margaretta wa Gacheru (April 14, 2022)

Ryan Kioko was sleeping soundly in his bed on the night of March 28th when he was rudely wakened by blows raining down on his head, arms and chest. Before he could clear his eyes, he got a blurry glimpse of three thugs wielding baseball bats and shouting obscenities at both him and his girlfriend who by now was wide awake but unscathed.

“It was only because the neighbors heard the commotion and came running out and banging Ryan’s door,” says his mother, Alice Mueni who adds she feels fortunate her son is alive. “They beat him bloody, and unfortunately, this would be the first of three times they came after him.”

The cause of this cruelty is complicated, but in large part, it comes down to a woman, Ryan’s girlfriend, who was formerly the girlfriend of thug number one, who apparently wants her back. “She doesn’t want him,” says Mueni. “She says she only wants Ryan, which is a big problem for him.”

Friends have said there is too big of an age difference to find this whole situation acceptable. Ryan is 24 while the woman is 30, and thug number one is 35. But that hasn’t stopped him from trailing the young man who has been advised to let go of this girlfriend for his safety, and even his survival.

But she is said to refuse to let him go. He initially didn’t listen to his advisers, including his older brother Mwanyiki, and sister Mutheu. But Ryan’s second assault convinced him to leave her alone, only now, she’s the one who calls him night and day and is unrelenting in her pursuit of this attractive younger man.

It was the third attempted assault late last week in the evening hours that convinced Ryan to lay low. “We have been advised to send him away for his own protection, but he stays with me,” says his mother. “Who will pay for his moving and setting up a new home in another town?” she asks?

Ryan was minding his own business, having gone to the local kiosk to buy milk for his mom when a car drove up and the three thugs jumped out. This time thug number one was wielding a knife. So Ryan begged the kiosk owner to let him into her tiny stall which at least could have been locked while he called for help.

But no, she refused. So, Mike turned on his heels and sped straight home. At that stage, it was 11pm at night, so since it was a distance to walk between their house and the police station, the mom suggested they sleep and report the incident in the early morning. “I didn’t feel safe taking that walk all alone,” Mueni said.

But the thugs beat it straight to two different Eastlands police stations to report an injury of thug number one which they claimed was inflicted by Ryan. It was a clearcut lie, but since mother and son delayed, it looked like evil had the upper hand.

“There is a warrant out for Ryan’s arrest,” says Mueni who is deeply disturbed, especially as she knows the family of the ex-boyfriend. “The ringleader doesn’t have a job, but he gets money from his father,” she says.

After the first assault, Mueni and Ryan were able to claim damages and make the family pay for the thugs’ smashing of all of Ryan’s electronic equipment, including his computer. It seems the family vowed to get their money back by means of claiming bogus damages by Ryan and maybe even getting him thrown into jail.

The situation is even more complicated since it seems the thugs have been stalking Ryan who has moved out of his mother’s house and doesn’t plan to surface until the situation is right. The thugs have apparently gotten inside Mueni’s compound and taken photos which they have circulated on social media.

One advice that Mueni has taken to heart is that she and her son should hire a good lawyer to protect and defend the young man’s life and interests.

What started out as a crime of passion has turned into a senseless mini-war. One only prays that bullies and bad boys don’t win the day since no good can come of that.

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